Headshot of Kerry Rhodes

Kerry Rhodes

Position: Former NFL Player
Musician/ Writer/ Director/ Producer/ Actor
Categories: Speakers
Location: Speakers

Kerry Rhodes, is a former NFL-All Pro football player, who played for the NY Jets and Arizona Cardinals. He’s since transitioned to the entertainment world and is now a successful actor, producer, writer, and musician. In that transition there were hard times. Times where the feeling of aloneness and depression started to take over. Along that journey he’s found healing for himself through alternative methods, such as ayahuasca and found that sitting with that medicine changed his life forever for the better. Helped him to evolve to be the best man he can and to be a champion of compassion, for not only him but for his fellow man. His mission in life is to lead with love and to create safe spaces for others dealing with suppressed trauma and depression to live their lives fully with gratitude. He believes we all deserve that life and it’s available.