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Personalized Marketing in Print
Over half of your customers are more likely to do business with you when you use personalized marketing. This tactic is gaining in popularity and can even be integrated into your print marketing tactics.
How can you combine personalized marketing and traditional print? How does personalized print marketing fit into today’s digital landscape? Read on to learn about the benefits of personalizing your print marketing.
The Value of Print Marketing in a Digital World
In today’s digital world, it’s easy to think that you only need to focus on social media or website marketing. But the truth is that a marketing campaign is out of balance if it only focuses on digital media. Print marketing is today’s next level marketing tactic and it’s what you need to complete a powerful campaign.
Who needs print marketing? If you’re trying to establish a client base or get your brand name out there, then you need to focus on your print marketing tactics.
Consumers are more likely to remember information from your campaign when it’s printed. This is because print products open two sensory channels to the brain, which boosts memory.
It’s important that you give your potential clients something to hold in their hands, whether it’s a branding brochure or coupons. You should also make sure to focus on the personalization of your print marketing.
How to Boost Your Personalized Marketing in Print
Today’s consumers can get bogged down by spam emails and relentless banner ads. This is why printed personalization marketing is a refreshing way to connect with your consumers.
There’s a smart way to use the power of print and personalize your media effectively. Here are some simple tips to boost the success of your personalized print marketing.
Link It to Your Digital Marketing
Consumers like being able to respond to printed media through digital outlets. So if your printed media needs a response, you should make it easy for customers to reply online.
Add Digital Links to Your Printed Media
Include link information to your Facebook page or shop page. Don’t forget to add your Instagram, Pinterest, or Twitter hashtag if your company is on social media.
Take Advantage of Variable Data Printing (VDP)
CRM tools make it easy for companies to gather information on their target customer. You can use your CRM data to print personalized marketing materials through variable printing. Don’t forget to follow up with analysis tools that can help you understand how your print marketing is performing.
Make Customized Catalogs
Customers can get easily overwhelmed if they receive a bulky catalog with all of the thousands of products you offer. Instead, you can create customized catalogs to send to consumers that target their interests and needs.
Add Personalized Print Inserts
If an entire personalized catalog is too much for your budget, then opt for personalized print inserts to mail or include in packaging. You can create time-sensitive coupons to draw your consumers to your store.
Wow Your Customers
Personalized marketing in print means you’re taking the time to know your customers and provide the things they need. Print marketing materials offer an experience that captivates customers and generates leads.
Want to learn more about integrating print into your marketing? Attend a print event to gain strategies and insights that will boost your marketing profits.