Tips to Running a Successful Promotional Review Committee in a Virtualized World

Although the world had been approaching the trend of virtual meetings and conferences, 2020 brought virtual meetings to the forefront due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on travels, social and physical distancing, and gathering regulation.

Companies are fast going online to conduct business meetings, and conferences, but not every virtual meeting has been productive.

Virtual meetings need more than just connected devices and a group of people connecting from various geographical locations. This type of communication comes with its own challenges that project leaders must overcome to achieve productivity, collaboration, problem-solving, and achieve every meeting’s aim.

Just as different companies struggle to make the best of virtual meetings, Promotional Review Committees must take practical steps to make the best of virtual meetings to promote and protect their company and industry’s interest.

In every company, the Promotional Review Committee plays a vital role in maintaining a balance between achieving the business goals and following regulatory bodies’ directives.

The Promotional Review Committee in every pharmaceutical company must keep its company safe while working within the threshold of Regulatory advertising or promotions. They hold meetings periodically to ensure their principles and practices are within the company’s best interests.

Why are Promotional Review Committees Important?

Promotional review committees review all forms of regulatory advertising and regulatory promotion for accuracy, realism, and compliance to the FDA and other bodies’ regulatory and legal directives.

Promotional review committees also look into compliance with industry codes and company policies to avoid patent and other similar issues.

Suppose a promotional review doesn’t work properly. In that case, the company risks getting pinpointed by the FDA’s Office of Prescription Drug Promotion, which might lead to investigations by the Department of Justice, harm the company’s reliability, integrity, and impose restrictions on practices.

Key Tips to have Successful Promotional Review Meetings in a Virtualized World.

After getting used to having Promotional Review Committee meetings face to face over the years, there is a need to have the correct knowledge to go about virtual promotional review committee meetings.

Here are some tips to achieve successful promotional review meetings in a visualized world:

    1. Adapt to Change

Whether or not we like it, the world has changed, and it has affected the regular way of doing things. It is no longer the norm to hold full board meetings with lots of PRC members in the same room exchanging ideas.

The new trend is to take meetings online to ensure the safety of all parties and connection among every team member regardless of distance.

Some of the changes include the fact that presentations will now be over the screen and not face to face.

You need to establish etiquette for your virtual meetings as proper etiquette assures you of a seamless and productive virtual meeting.

There are so many changes and trends, both in virtual communication and Promotional review meetings and practices. Adapting to this change will help your company hold an efficient internal review process.

    1. Guideline as the way to Success in your Review Rounds

Provide guidelines on how the virtual meeting will be conducted and get every Promotion Review committee member on the same page.

Specify if a single presenter will lead the meeting, team members will take turns presenting, or get into an open discussion.

Inform your team members on what to expect and what they are expected to contribute to the conversation.

Prepare and send the meeting agenda to the PRC team before the meeting and include details of any documents, files, policy, drug, or medical research you’ll be considering during the meeting.

Set clear expectations upfront about each person’s role, but allow other members to make helpful suggestions and contributions in an orderly manner that will not cause fracas or slow down the business team’s efforts.

Ensure that members meet their responsibilities while creating a conducive virtual environment where members can have discussions that lead to significant or efficient results.

Allow everyone to contribute to the meeting.

    1. Choose the best software for your virtual PRC meeting

There is a wide range of tools to help you conduct productive Promotional Review Committee virtual meetings. You simply have to choose the right software while asking and answering the right questions.

How many participants will be at your virtual Promotional Review virtual meeting?

The software that works best for one on one meeting will differ for a meeting of 10 persons. Ensure your web conference or meeting conference software provides the accessibility and flexibility your meeting needs.

What is the primary functionality your virtual PPC meeting needs to be productive?

Do you need your team members to watch a video or demo during the meeting? You should opt for a screen sharing software. If you want to collaborate with documents in real-time, work with Google docs.

    1. Remember the Core Principles

Respect everyone’s opinion as differences of opinion among your Promotional Review Committee members are inevitable. Discuss your differences and resolve any disagreements.

Maintain consistency and continuity from one meeting to the next. Hold product managers accountable for reviewing all material to be submitted to the PRC for consistency with previous decisions and agreements.

Stick to timelines and deadlines. Virtual PRC meetings should start and end on time, and the agenda should be handled during the meeting. Avoid handling too many things in one meeting for productivity purpose

Final Thoughts

There are many things you should know about working in a virtualized environment. You need a better understanding of how to navigate the shift from face-to-face to virtual Promotion Review Committee meetings, and the impact of this change on your promotional review process

You also need the relevant skill and knowledge to manage the processes involved in working with your team and external agencies.

Optimizing Processes to Virtualize Promotional Review is something every organization needs, just as implementing quality in the review Rounds to Guarantee Better Results is essential.

For more information on updates and trends in promotional and advertising review, please be sure to check out the Promotional Review Virtual Summit taking place on September 24-25th.